Friday 16 March 2012

The Lie of Zakir Naik

The lie of Zakir Naik!

Some ten years back I had Worked with Islamic Research foundation (IRF - Mumbai)...

In this blog I will try to expose the lie of Zakir Naik Lecture : Concept of God in Major Religion

Try to get a pdf file from Net posted by Zakir Naik (IRF - Mumabi)

Concept of God in Major Religions by Dr. Zakir Naik

AUGUST 25, 2008

Semitic religions
Semitic religions are religions that originated among the Semites. According to the Bible, Prophet Noah (pbuh) had a son called Shem. The descendents of Shem are known as Semites. Therefore, Semitic religions are the religions that originated among the Jews, Arabs, Assyrians, Phoenicians, etc. Major Semitic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All these religions are Prophetic religions that believe in Divine Guidance sent through prophets of God.
Non-Semitic religions 
The non-Semitic religions are further subdivided into Aryan and non-Aryan religions:
Aryan Religions
Aryan religions are the religions that originated among the Aryans, a powerful group of Indo-European speaking people that spread through Iran and Northern India in the first half of the second Millenium BC (2000 to 1500 BC).
The Aryan Religions are further subdivided into Vedic and non-Vedic religions. The Vedic Religion is given the misnomer of Hinduism or Brahminism. The non-Vedic Religions are Sikhism, Buddhism, Jainism, etc. Almost all Aryan religions are non-Prophetic religions.
Zoroastrianism is an Aryan, non-Vedic religion, which is not associated with Hinduism. It claims to be a prophetic religion.
Non-Aryan Religions
The non-Aryan religions have diverse origins. Confucianism and Taoism are of Chinese origin while Shintoism is of Japanese origin. Many of these non-Aryan religions do not have a concept of God. They are better referred to as ethical systems rather than as religions.
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Now let us  try to understand what Dr.Zakir Naik (IRF - Mumbai) What is he trying to say:
He has divided the world religion into 3 category:
1. Semitic Religion
2. Aryan Religion
3. Non Aryan Religion

Topic No: 1. Semitic Religion : As per Quran 3 verse 33 & 34  
 3:33-34 - -
Al-Imran (The Family of Imran)

 (Picktall) Lo! Allah preferred Adam and Noah and the Family of Abraham and the Family of 'Imran above (all His) creature

  • 3:34 (Picktall) They were descendants one of another. Allah is Hearer, Knower. -

  • Quran chapter 3 verse 33 & 34 is the guide line to understand The message of Quran.
    Quran deals on various subject one of the Subject it deals is on the subject of  History. 
    More then 65% of Quran deals on the Subject History.
     History of whom.....
    1. Adam
    3. Family of Imran & Family of Abraham
    Note: If we understand the above 3 point  one will understand the message of the Holy Quran on the subject of History.
    HISTORY of the earth
    ADAM:  Adam was created from black clay (15 verse 26). DNA report on Human Genome Project too says that the first man on earth was Black.
    Revelation and Science on the same platform.... "Civilization was started with Black"
    First Murder : The first man to run after the material world was Cain who committed the first murder.
    Two Race was formed at the time of Adam 
    • Adam Black Race
    • Cain white Race

    Noah :  Flood at the time of Prophet Noah was not a global flood. This flood was meant for the people of Noah. This flood has got nothing to do with the white race or decandant of Cain.
    Quran 7:59  INDEED, We sent forth Noah unto his people, 
    After the flood Noah had 3 sons
    • Ham : Occupying the region of Africa, Negro Black people. 
    • Sham : Occupying the Promise land tribe like Arabs, House of Israel and Dravidian. black people with straight nose.
    • Japheth : the yellow race occupying the region of china and Mongolia. 
    11:48 (Picktall) It was said (unto him): O Noah! Go thou down (from the mountain ) with peace from Us and blessings upon thee and some nations (that will spring) from those with thee. (There will be other) nations unto whom We shall give enjoyment a long while and then a painful doom from Us will overtake them.

    Note: and some nations (that will spring) from those with thee. (There will be other) nations unto whom We shall give enjoyment a long while and then a painful doom from Us will overtake them.

    Sham son of Noah occupied the promise land enjoying the fruits and later will have have a painful doom.

    Just look at the History of the Semitic Black race before the Aryan white race Invasion.

    Invasion of the Aryan white marks the turning point in the History of the Semitic black race later for the African Black Negro. As Quran says in chapter 11 verse 48

    Family of Imran & Family of Abraham are from semitic black Race, prophet hood only among the black semitic race see Quran chapter 3 verse 34.

    Remember when  the Warning of Anti Christ was told by the all Prophets and they the prophets all are from the Semetic Black race therefore the warning of Anti Christ is meant for the black race. as Quran chapter 11 verse 48 "..... enjoyment a long while and then a painful doom...."

    Dr. Zakir Naik my question to you is that : 
    1. Tell me what do you mean by Aryan religion ?
    2. Who are the Aryans?
    3. Where did they came from?
    4. Does Indus valley - Mohen jo Daro and Harrapa belongs to black Dravidians or does it belongs to the White Aryans?
    5. By converting to any faith (unseen) does our DNA or race also changes?
    6. What are the Principle of the Aryans religion?
    7. What are the Principle of the Semitic Black religion?
    8.  Can you tell me Naik : Principle such as trimurthi (3 in 1 gods), doctrine of Rebirth, Untouchable,  Brahman or learned giver of Moaksa or salvation, Dev dasi or prostitution, sati, dowery, doctrine of Karm/fate, Bhakthi marg (singing in front of idols), Tantric cult (fearing the satan) and a law book called Manu Dharma Sastra whose law favors the people in the profession of learned, Administration and corporate  (the wealthy class) ... can such a principle is from the prophets of God or is it law introduced by the Aryans in order to rule the natives Blacks....?
    9.  Which prophets came among the white race?
    Similarity between Semitic religion and Aryan religion 
    I will question you Dr.ZAkir Naik i will ask later....

    I hope you (Dr. Zakir Naik) put a blog and answer the above question...

    NOTE: Brother Naik i know to are working for money its your business to earn in the name of Quran and comparative religion but please brother do not play with mankind Hereafter, we all have to die and face the Lord.... i Hope Naik you understand that.

    By : Syed Hyder Ali (A guide)

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